A downloadable city

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This project is based on the Dungeon23 concept by Sean McCoy. In his words: "Megadungeon for 2023. 12 levels. 365 rooms. One room a day. Keep it all in a journal."

Here's what I did: Brass City 23. A science fantasy city for 2023. 12 districts. 365 houses. One house a day. Post every monday about the previous week.

All 365 entries are written, so in that sense the project is complete. It might get updated to fix typos or formatting issues (feel free to inform me about them), but otherwise I consider the project done.

My touchstones were: Girl Genius, Armour Astir: Advent, Flamecraft, EberronSpelljammer, Netflix's Arcane, and Ghibli movies directed by Miyazaki.

Project Page Background by liuzishan on Freepik

CategoryPhysical game
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
Tagsdungeon23, Fantasy, setting


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Brass City 23 Week 52.pdf 17 MB
Brass City 23 Map.jpg 92 MB

Development log

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CONGRATULATIONS! So happy to see you've made it to the end! The city map looks amazing! I've enjoyed following your project through the year. 

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you so much, it's been a pleasure ^^

Love the sentient cats! Not far to go now, amazing work! 


Those cats are what keeps me going, all the way back from January :D

really delighted to watch this unfold!

Me too! And I'm happy to have you for the ride :D

Well this is a pleasant little place!

Thank you ^^ let's see where it takes us :)